Start your own business with doTERRA!

doTERRA is your opportunity to share your lifestyle and your experience with people around you!
Get started- we are looking forward to welcome you in our team. With dōTERRA you can create a sustainable income while doing what you love.
The characteristics of this business are:
- it is highly flexible – everyone can choose how much time he/she wants to invest to build the business.
- it is a fair and transparent model – everyone can be successful. There are same rules for all partners.
- it offers the opportunity to build a residual income
We are Wellness Advocates and we are passionate about sharing and teaching about essential oils and how powerful they are. Everyone of us loves to empower others and work as an entrepreneur. Teamwork is one of our key elements in working together and achieving our goals.
So are you ready to take your opportunity and start your essential oil business journey? Get to know our team and contact us to hear more.
We are looking forward working with you!

Mag. Kathrin Kränkl
+43 664 303 4838
It is the lives we encounter
that make life worth living.
(Guy de Maupassant)
I am fascinated to see how essential oils can significantly improve our lives day by day. Personally I enjoy using doTERRA products regulary and I love to share my experience with others.
It is so rewarding to show people how they can get more vitality and health and to watch the big difference this knowledge brings into their daily lives!
It is great to build a business with partners that value personal freedom and natural solutions – with qualitative outstanding products and a company that values corporate responsibility and sustainability, doTERRA.
Let´s talk – I am looking forward to get to know you and your dreams!

Clara Langthaler-Kränkl, MA
+43 660 34 23 466
Change the world. The world needs it.
(Bert Brecht)
Working as an historian and as a scout leader I am constantly confronted with change and transformation. I am also a family person and I love being outdoors. To find balance and stability in between all these things is often a challenge.
The essential oils from doTERRA are my daily companions in these challenging times. They empower me and give me the strength to create my world every day new.
Everyone has the power to create and to change the world they want to live in. Let’s start today!

Helene Mandalidis
+41 (79) 5021528
Be patient with all things, but especially with yourself.
(Franz von Sales)
I have furthered my education in the field of strength-focused coaching and can therefore address the strength profiles of my coachees in individual coaching sessions and develop common interaction patterns, as well as provide support in group settings. In my work, I focus on people and their interactions and use, among other things, high-quality and pure essential oils to anchor strengths.
My family and I use doTERRA oils in our everyday life, they give us support and well-being.
I would be happy to tell you more about it. I look forward to our conversation.
J’ai approfondi ma formation dans le domaine du coaching axé sur les points forts et je suis donc habilitée à répondre aux profils de points forts de mes coachés dans le cadre de séances de coaching individuelles et à résoudre les schémas d’interaction courants, ainsi qu’à fournir un soutien dans le cadre de coaching de groupe. Dans mon travail, je me concentre sur les personnes et leurs interactions et j’utilise, entre autres, des huiles essentielles pures et de hautes qualités pour ancrer les points forts.
Ma famille et moi utilisons les huiles doTERRA dans notre vie quotidienne, elles nous apportent soutien et bien-être.
Je serais heureuse de vous en dire plus à ce sujet. Je me réjouis de notre conversation.