Why doTERRA? Why with us?

Why doTERRA?
Essential oils are trend-setting. There are so many offers all around and you may ask yourself: Why should I chose do Terra essential oils? In case you do not want to keep yourself busy with reading about this topic, just order some doTERRA essential oils and experience their power! You will quickly feel the difference in quality compared to other essential oils.
Want to know more? We are happy to keep you up to date about news, researches and promotions around essential oils and doTERRA products. Just subscribe to our Odeur Essential News – we are looking forward to welcome you in our community!
If you are interested to get some insights to doTERRA right now and if you want to know why we are so excited about this company and their products, continue reading. We are pleased to share our experiences and to inspire you to explore the fascinating world of essential oils for yourself!

Clara & Kathrin
Outstanding quality – only doTERRA Essential Oils are CPTG tested
DoTERRA Essential Oils are the only oils that are CPTG tested. CPTG stands for “Certified Pure Tested Grade”. This quality certificate guarantees, that every single doTERRA oil passed through a series of tests that ensure the oil is free of contaminations and unrelated toxic elements. As a result, every doTERRA oil meets the same quality standard across different charges. And this is the precondition that the oil can be used for therapeutical purposes.

Deviation in the quality of an essential oil depending on the manufacturing date may lead to varying results when using them. An oil might be super effective once, but the next bottle may be disappointing because the effect is not as good as before. With doTERRA oils this will not happen. If you want to hear more about CPTG have a look at the followin video:
Sustainable and fair production – doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing
There is one more thing that is great about doTERRA: the philosophie of the company, especially their respectful and sustainable way to produce their essential oils. DoTERRA is owned by seven people and is debt free. There are hardly any companies that have a turnover beyond 1 billion Dollar and state this for themself. This independency of investors enables the founders and owners of doTERRA to really live their vision of a fair relationship with the farmers and destillers and to setup longlasting cooperations at eye-level. It is fascinating to see the impact of a respectful dealing with sourcing- and production-experts in the countries of origin: outstanding products on one hand and a longlasting improvement of the economic situation in the regions where the oils come from. Frankincense production in Somalia is a good example for that.
Why using doTERRA with us?
Join us because we will support you on your essentials-user-journey the way you choose. We gained experience about usage and effectiveness of essential oils during the last years that we are happy to share with you. Our clients and partners appreciate that they might decide how they want to stay in contact with us: in person, on phone, via webmeetings or only when they approach us…
Ready to start? The best way to get doTERRA oils is via the webshop. Go there via our Odeur website and you will automatically be registered in our team. This means that we will be your single point of contact for all your questions around essential oils and doTERRA.
In case you prefer to buy directly via us, we may order for you and you can pick up your doTERRA at our Odeur office in Vienna.
Let´s start! DoTERRA essential oils are a wellbeing experience that you deserve and that you should not miss! It is just great to have a plan when things are not going well but you want to get back on track quickly.
Just go for it – we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Talk to you soon! Clara and Kathrin

Do you have questions?
… if so, just call +43 (0) 664 303 8438 or drop us a mail!